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22 Jan 2012


The hydraulic term come from the, fluid used to transfer the energy in a close loop. The hydraulic system is where we use the media like,oil or water to transfer the force from one point to other in the system.We use oil in this purpose with some property like non compressive & lubrication.

To understand the hydraulic system which is used in our industry.we need to go inside the basics of hydraulic.

 Pascal's law

''Pascals law stats that in closed chamber filled with in compressive fluid the pressure remains same at all points''.   This can be easily understand by the fig. 

Pascal's Law
where P1=P2=P3=P4

This principal is the base for the hydraulic system used any where , the hydraulic jack , landing gear of airplane,hydraulic crane etc.

 how this principle is applicable?   

Application of Pascal's Law

Lets see how the jack works in service station
Truck is placed on the ram of the lift with load F2 and on the other side of the lift the force have to apply F1. The point to note is the are of crossection of ram & cylinder A1&A2.According to the law

                                                            P= F1/A1=F2/A2

For Example A1=5 & A2 =20  ,  load of truck = 100 kg then

                                                           F1= F2xA1/A2
                                                               =100x5/20  = 25 kg  effort have to apply

This is the simple illustration to under stand how the hydraulic systems are used to reduce the effort for doing the heavy work.

See also

18 Jan 2012


Bearing Nomenclature

You can learn a lot about a bearing just from its part number.
A typical bearing is the 6203ZZ bearing. This part number can be divided into it's
                                                         which means:
                                                        · Type Code
                                                        · Series
                                                        · Bore
                                                        · Suffix
The type code indicates the type of bearing. While each manufacturer uses their own
numbers, there are a few numbers that could be considered standard in the industry.

If the bearing is an inch bearing (the first digit in the number is an R), then the size is the
digit or digits immediately following the R, in 16ths of an inch. An R8-2RS bearing, for
example, has an 8/16th or 1/2 inch bore.
If the first digit is a number, however, it is a metric bearing, and the second digit is the
series, which reflects the robustness of the bearing. The series are, from lightest to
8 Extra thin section
9 Very thin section
0 Extra light
1 Extra light thrust
2 Light
3 Medium
4 Heavy